Beginning Calculus
In order to start off your year in calculus on the right foot, you must first have a strong foundation created for yourself. It is important to stay focused and on track in your precalculus class that you take the year prior to calculus. I recommend precalculus as the prerequisite for both calculus AB and BC as opposed to other options such as TAPS so that you can be certain that calculus is the right option for you. It is important to challenge yourself in precalculus so you can determine if you would have the ability and interest to succeed in calculus. If summer review work is not given to you for calculus, it would be a good idea to review your main precalculus topics, find practice problems online (Khan Academy), or even purchase your Princeton Review Book early. Taking a physics class alongside calculus can be very helpful as you have the ability to understand and apply the concepts in a variety of analytical, graphical, and hands on ways.If you create a good work ethic from the start, you will succeed!